Thank you for Sharing the People’s Survey

All over the world, the People’s Survey was shared among communities via social media, community events and speaking engagements. Here are a snapshot of some of the ways that NGOs collected responses but many other wonderful NGOs also played their part. A special mention to our NGOs in Greece, especially Road Safety Institute Panos Mylanos and You Are What You Do Kostas Kouvidas,  whose efforts brought in 725 responses; India where Avoid Accident, and TRAX collected responses from hospital patients, community members, and students, and many other members played their part to reach 451 responses; and Road Safety Pioneers, Iran, with 325 responses.

Kulanthayan Mani from Safe Kids Malaysia shared the survey with undergraduates at Universiti Putra Malaysia during their induction. Over 950 responses were received in Malaysia.


In Ethiopia, Save the Nation shared the survey with community members over coffee and cake. Many long-distance drivers shared their stories said that more needed to be done for safer roads.


South Africans Against Drunk Driving collected the views of students at a university fair.


Society of Road Safety Ambassadors (SORSA) in Botswana collected responses from people on the streets, at bus stops, and in the mall.


In the Philippines, Safe Kids Philippines and Project C.A.R.E.S, used their networks to reach out to countries with no survey responses. Project C.A.R.E.S even took it to a language school to share it with students from many countries: good practice for those learning English at the school! 


Congratulations and thank you to everyone who shared and took part in the survey and especially to those people that translated the survey into so many languages to enable it to reach real citizens in so many countries. The data will be analyzed over the coming months and we will be sharing them on the eve of the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety at the Terminus Hotel, Stockholm Central Station in February 2020.