Latin America Chapter

With 51 member NGOs representing 15 countries in the Latin American region and growing, the Latin America Chapter of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety provides a platform to strengthen and empower civil society in Latin America and address both the region’s and NGOs’ specific challenges and needs.

Mission & Vision of the Latin America Chapter

A region where everyone is safe from preventable road traffic deaths and injuries. To unify NGOs’ voices, empowering and strengthening Latin American NGOs working on road safety, and road victims.


By 2030, halve road related crashes, deaths, injuries, and reduce the suffering and economic losses associated with it in Latin America by empowering, strengthening, and supporting local Latin American NGOs working on road safety, safe mobility, and road victims.


The Latin America Chapter will adhere to the strategies of the Global Alliance’s three pillars: 1) networking and sharing, 2) advocacy and accountability and 3) capacity building.

Read the strategic plan HERE

Regional Meeting

As the leading voice for civil society on road safety we will convene our members and road safety community for a First Regional Meeting of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety in Latin America on 5-7 November 2024 in Mexico City, Mexico, addressing the most urgent and critical issues that the road safety community in Latin America faces.

Find more about the Regional Meeting HERE

Partnership with Michelin

A new partnership with Michelin to sponsor the Latin America Chapter was announced at the Global Meeting held in March 2022 in Hungary. The partnership with Michelin enables the Alliance to support NGOs in its Latin America Chapter through capacity building, networking and sharing, and advocacy. Read the press release about this partnership HERE.