Alliance Incubator

The Alliance Incubator mobilizes and strengthens NGOs’ advocacy to drive implementation of interventions that have been proven to be effective in reducing the road-related deaths and injuries that occur globally each year.

The Incubator is designed to accelerate the growth and role of serious and ambitious road safety NGOs through an array of support resources and services that could include small grants, coaching and networking connections.

Now in its third cycle, the 2024 cohort of the Incubator welcomes 12 NGOs, spanning ten countries across Africa, Latin America, and Asia, who will advocate for evidence-based road safety policies and infrastructure changes using the Alliance Accountability Toolkit.

2024 Alliance Incubator Cohort

ASIRT, Kenya advocating for 30 km/h zones.

ASIRT-Kenya’s advocacy for enhanced road safety: leveraging the Traffic Act review for comprehensive school zone protection.

ASIRT-Kenya is embarking on a pivotal advocacy campaign, utilizing the Accountability Toolkit to influence the ongoing review process of the Traffic Act. In alignment with the Cabinet Secretary’s statement, their goal is to advocate for the development and implementation of regulations specifically targeting school safety. A key aspect of their initiative is the proposal to reduce speed limits from 50km/h to 30km/h, not only around all schools but also in areas where vehicular traffic and pedestrian movement significantly intersect. This strategy underscores ASIRT-Kenya’s commitment to establishing more secure and safer environments for the country’s most vulnerable road users, particularly in densely populated and high-traffic areas.

ASR, Tunisia advocating for 30 km/h zones.

ASR-Tunisia’s continued advocacy for road safety: ensuring implementation of 30 km/h zones law.

Ambassadeurs Securite Routiere (ASR-Tunisia) has achieved a significant milestone in road safety advocacy with the successful enactment of the 30 km/h zone law in Tunisia in 2023. Building on this success, the NGO is now focusing on ensuring the practical implementation of this law. Employing the Accountability Toolkit, ASR-Tunisia is intensifying its efforts to see the government actualize the establishment of 30 km/h zones, particularly around schools and training centers. Their advocacy extends to encouraging governors and mayors to embrace and adhere to the vision of these safety zones. The NGO’s goal is to safeguard vulnerable road users by identifying target areas for the implementation, introducing necessary changes, and advocating for the application of this decree across Tunisian cities to enhance overall urban road safety.

Fundação Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga’s safe zones project in Porto Alegre, Brazil: establishing a model for urban road safety.

Fundação Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga, an organization in Brazil, is launching the ‘Vida Urgente Safe Zones’ project in Porto Alegre, focusing on creating a 30 km/h safety zone between Butuí and Inhanduí streets. This initiative is driven by the need to protect numerous vulnerable road users in the area. The project aims to establish this zone as a replicable model throughout the State of Rio Grande do Sul. To ensure the implementation of the most creative and innovative solutions, Fundação Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga is partnering with a local university. This collaboration also includes incorporating feedback from local communities, ensuring the solutions are well-tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of the area.

Fundación Emilia in a training session.

Fundación Emilia’s drive for uniform 30 km/h zones in Chile

Fundación Emilia is at the forefront of advocating for the widespread adoption of 30 km/h zones in Chile, a country where road speed limits are governed by individual municipal decrees. This decentralized approach to speed regulation presents a significant challenge for the NGO, as it seeks to promote a uniform implementation of 30 km/h zones across the nation. The variability in local laws and regulations necessitates a tailored, municipality-by-municipality strategy to effectively achieve this goal. Fundación Emilia’s campaign is pivotal in paving the way for safer roads in Chile, particularly in urban areas where lower speed limits can significantly enhance pedestrian safety and reduce traffic-related incidents.

Fundación Liga Contra La Violencia Vial’s traffic calming promotion in Montería, Colombia

Fundación Liga Contra La Violencia Vial in Colombia is undertaking a pivotal initiative to enhance road safety by implementing traffic calming and speed reduction measures at a notably hazardous intersection in Montería. This intersection is characterized by high user conflict and significant risk exposure. The project aims to not only reduce traffic speeds and conflicts but also to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of such measures. By strategically deploying these interventions, the foundation seeks to provide a replicable model of safety improvement that can be adopted in similar urban settings, thereby advocating for broader policy changes to promote safer road environments.

Fundación Ciudad Humana’s 30 km/h safe school zones in Colombia

Fundación Ciudad Humana, Colombia, is currently promoting safe school zones by implementing measures established by the resolution of the Transportation Ministry regarding speed limits on Colombian roads and the Law of Julián Esteban. The objective is to support a Colombian municipality near Bogotá in starting the process of implementing these measures around school zones. They are supporting the implementation of a pilot school zone where a speed limit of 30 km/h is being set, along with traffic calmers and safe pedestrian crossings. This area is serving as a pilot so that the municipality, in collaboration with Ciudad Humana, can replicate new interventions and conduct ongoing awareness campaigns with the community to reduce speed limits.

MINU, Argentina in a strategy meeting.

MINU’s traffic calming project at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina for enhancing pedestrian safety.

MINU, an NGO based in Argentina, is spearheading a traffic calming project around the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) in the Bernal neighborhood. The primary goal of this initiative is to collaborate with the Quilmes Municipality to construct traffic calming facilities in the vicinity of UNQ. This project is designed to mitigate the risks posed by speeding cars and buses, particularly at corner turns, thereby safeguarding the daily pedestrian routes of the university’s students. Through this intervention, MINU aims to create a safer and more secure environment for the UNQ community.

Movidana’s initiative for safer school zones in Ecuador: a pilot project for community-driven road safety.

Movidana, based in Ecuador, is pioneering a project to establish safe school zones in a local municipality. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with municipal authorities, involves a detailed analysis of a school environment using the “Star Rating for Schools” tool. The project aims to reduce speed limits to 20 km/h and improve pedestrian facilities, especially for children and persons with disabilities. A key strategy is to engage local industries in redirecting their Corporate Social Responsibility funds towards these interventions. Beginning as a pilot, the project seeks to replicate its success in other schools, fostering local technical capabilities and enhancing overall school safety.

Madres del Dolor and Bien Argentino in a roundtable meeting with road safety authorities for advocacy and project support.

Neuquen City traffic calming project: a joint initiative by Bien Argentino and Madres del Dolor.

In a collaborative effort, Bien Argentino and Madres del Dolor are spearheading the Neuquen City Traffic Calming Project in Argentina. This initiative focuses on supporting the most vulnerable road users – pedestrians, cyclists, and commuters – in their daily travels within the city. The project’s core strategy involves the implementation of traffic calming measures to create a safer, more secure urban environment for these groups. This approach aims to reduce the risks associated with urban transportation and enhance overall road safety in Neuquen City.

RSA Tanzania engaging decisionmakers for 30 km/h implementation.

RSA-Tanzania’s role in advancing Tanzania’s Road Safety Action Plan: advocating for urban 30 km/h zones.

Road Safety Ambassadors (RSA-Tanzania) is at the forefront of promoting Tanzania’s new road safety action plan, a testament to the country’s dedication to enhancing road safety through evidence-based methods. NGO advocacy, including efforts by RSA-Tanzania, has been instrumental in integrating the concept of 30 km/h zones in urban public spaces into the plan. This inclusion is particularly focused on prioritizing the safety of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. RSA-Tanzania is actively engaged in advocating for the adoption and execution of the National action plan. Utilizing the Accountability Toolkit, the organization is vigorously pushing for the implementation of the 30 km/h zones on urban roads, as outlined in the plan, to ensure a safer and more secure urban environment for all road users.

Centrico, Mexico engaging with key stakeholders as part of advocacy for reforming the General Law of Mobility and Road Safety.

Proyecto Céntrico’s comprehensive motorcycle safety advocacy in Mexico: a collaborative approach for legislative reform.

Proyecto Céntrico in Mexico is undertaking a significant advocacy strategy focused on motorcycle safety. This initiative aims to build a coalition of support encompassing national and local governments, civil society, the private sector, and academia. The goal is to drive a reform process of the General Law of Mobility and Road Safety, along with other pertinent national laws, to include comprehensive regulations for the safe use of motorcycles. Through a series of facilitated workshops, Proyecto Céntrico plans to pinpoint regulatory enhancements, identifying specific problems and proposing solutions based on evidence and sector expertise. The ultimate objective is to secure robust support for the passage of a road safety bill that addresses critical aspects of motorcycle use, such as speed management, road design, enforcement, and the mandatory use of certified helmets, among other vital considerations.

Swatantrata Abhiyan Nepal’s campaign for safer roads in urban Nepal: advocating for 30 km/h speed limits.

Swatantrata Abhiyan Nepal (SAN) is dedicated to promoting safer road infrastructure across urban cities in Nepal. Their key focus includes advocating for the implementation of a 30 km/h speed limit in densely populated and sensitive areas. SAN’s efforts extend to reviewing and updating legislation and local design standards to reflect the diverse needs of all road users, considering the specific functions of different zones. Currently, SAN is employing the Accountability Toolkit in its targeted advocacy efforts with the municipal authorities of Chandragiri and Budhanilkantha. The NGO’s primary goal is to secure the adoption of a 30 km/h speed policy in key areas such as markets, schools, hospitals, and religious sites, ensuring a safer environment for the community in these critical zones.

URRENO, Uganda, in an activation session with school children as part of activities for traffic calming in school zones.

URRENO’s advocacy for enhanced school zone safety in Uganda

URRENO, in collaboration with its peer NGO HOVITA, has been actively involved in advocating for the revision of Uganda’s Traffic and Road Safety Speed Limit Regulation (2004). Their concerted efforts have been instrumental in proposing the inclusion of a 30 km/h speed limit specifically for areas surrounding schools. This advocacy has led to the successful integration of the safe school zone concept into the existing policy framework. Currently, URRENO is leveraging the Accountability Toolkit to further advocate for the creation and strengthening of speed limit regulations. This includes ensuring effective enforcement and raising public awareness about the importance of adhering to these speed limits, especially in school zones, to ensure the safety and protection of young, vulnerable road users in Uganda.

Objective of the Alliance Incubator

The objective of the Alliance Incubator is to support NGOs growth and to deliver effective and efficient road safety interventions that aim at contributing to the halving the number of deaths and serious injuries by 2030.

What the Alliance Incubator offers

Successful candidates in the Alliance Incubator program take responsibility for their own growth and are ambitious and serious.

Successful candidates set targets for their growth and what they want to achieve in the incubator program. The Alliance may be able to support with grants to fast-track advocacy milestones, but will not fund NGOs’ full programs.

A good incubator plan should demonstrate how the NGO will utilize Alliance resources including Meaningful NGO Participation, People’s Survey findings, Advocacy & Accountability tracker etc., to design their Incubator activities. Ideally the plan should integrate your main program with both local and global moments including Alliance #CommittoAct campaigns, UN Global Road Safety Week and other relevant events in a way that they strengthen the activities you have planned for 2022. 

Successful candidates will be provided with tailored face-to-face or on-line training, coaching and mentorship based on their areas of growth they identify. The Incubator period takes a minimum of 12 months and maximum of 18 months period. There is a possibility of applying for grants of US$3,000-8,000. These will be available against a justified budget and delivery of specific Incubator milestones.

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