
The Alliance has more than 300 member NGOs in over 100 countries. To join the Alliance as a full member, an NGO must:

  • be registered as a nongovernmental organization in its home country
  • Have a primary focus on road safety
  • Be aligned to the mission of the Alliance
  • Have a track record of successful program implementation for three years or more.

NGOs with an interest in the Alliance’s mission who do not meet the criteria above, can apply to be an associate member. Read more about member categories HERE.

Read our membership pamphlet

When applying for membership, you must submit the following:

  • Your NGO’s logo
  • The NGO’s legal Articles of Incorporation from the relevant government authority (PDF format)
  • A one-page statement of interest in the Alliance (PDF format)
  • The country in which your NGO is legally registered (if your NGO is legally registered in
    multiple countries, a separate application must be submitted for each country)
  • The countries in which your NGO conducts activities
  • The categories of work your NGO conducts
  • Your NGO’s contact information including social media accounts
  • Your NGO’s mission statement
  • A description of an activity that your NGO conducts that you feel best represents your work
  • Photos of at least one project
  • Names of references

If you have all of the above information ready, you may open an account and submit your application for membership.