Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome three new members who joined recently. Full member REDUX, the Ibero-American Alliance for Safe Mobility, Uruguay is dedicated to reducing road traffic injuries and disabilities across Latin America through evidence-based policies and practices. Established to provide independent and impartial technical support, REDUX collaborates with governments, institutions, and professionals to […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome four new members who joined recently. Full members Kashmir Road Safety Foundation, India focuses on mobilizing youth to champion road safety through the establishment of road safety clubs. Their mission is to reduce road traffic crashes and fatalities by prioritizing education, advocacy, and community engagement. The organization raises awareness […]


2024 Highlights

Throughout 2024, as NGOs have been preparing for the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety (Ministerial Conference), Alliance activities have helped them to spotlight the realities of people’s daily journeys around the world and the evidence-based solutions to make those realities safe. We have equipped NGOs with tools and initiatives to support them in […]


Members honored at the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award

The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) celebrates not only its own recognition at the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards but also the achievements of its member organizations that were honored for their exceptional contributions to road safety. The Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards recognize innovative and impactful initiatives that […]


PRESS RELEASE: Spanish version of the Alliance Accountability Toolkit launches today

The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is proud to announce the release of the Spanish version of its award-winning Accountability Toolkit. This practical, web-based resource provides concrete steps to help NGOs hold their governments accountable for road safety, contributing to the goal of reducing road deaths and injuries by 50% by […]


Safety improvements through Mobility Snapshots advocacy in Zimbabwe

Mobility Snapshot advocacy in Harare, Zimbabwe has resulted in speed reduction from 85 km/h to 40 km/h at the intersection of Nemakonde Way and Girton Road. Government authorities have also installed speed bumps, pedestrian crossing, and road signages at the intersection. The newly reconstructed Nemakonde Way is a national highway connecting Harare to Chirundu Border […]


PRESS RELEASE: Prestigious award recognizes NGOs’ accountability role

11 December 2024, London, UK Yesterday, the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award was presented to the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) for its Accountability Toolkit.  The Accountability Toolkit is a set of practical, web-based tools that offers tangible steps, enabling NGOs to track government accountability for SDG 3.6 to […]


Street level data strengthening advocacy for safer roads

New street-level data is helping to highlight the realities of people’s journeys around the world, and the impact of actions that aim to make our streets safer, particularly for people who walk. Through Mobility Snapshots, a landmark initiative from the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, road safety advocates in 44 countries gathered data […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome five new members who joined recently. Full members Asociación de Autoescuelas Profesionales de Formación Vial de México A.C., Mexico represents and advocates for driving school business owners in Mexico, supporting national road safety and training initiatives tied to licensing. Its mission is to professionalize the sector by shaping public […]


Mobility Snapshots: a safer crossing in Neuquen, Argentina

Mobility Snapshots advocacy in Neuquén, Argentina has led authorities to upgrade the intersection of Tierra del Fuego and Pedro Mazzoni. These improvements were a result of Bien Argentino’s advocacy using the Mobility Snapshot. Bien Argentino selected the intersection because of the mix of traffic using it. As well as four lanes of traffic, 340 pedestrians […]


On track or off target 2024

Each year, the Alliance marks the anniversary of the launch of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 with an online event looking at progress toward the Decade of Action from a civil society perspective. This year’s event launched the Mobility Snapshot map and honed in on three Snapshots from […]


Editorial: three years on, NGOs driving action on the Global Plan

Three years ago this week, the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 (Global Plan) was launched. It set out a blueprint for halving road deaths and injuries by 2030 through a holistic, people-centered Safe System approach, acknowledging that “Placing safety at the core of our road safety efforts will automatically […]


Mobility Snapshot story: data-driven advocacy drives widespread safety improvements in Kampala

The intersection of Kampala Road-Burton-Johnson street and The Square 1, Kampala, Uganda. Uganda Road Accident Reduction Network Organisation’s (URRENO) Mobility Snapshots have contributed to influencing design, policy and implementation across the city of Kampala, Uganda. They collaborated with other NGOs in the country such as Hope for Victims of Traffic Accidents (HOVITA) and Legacy for […]


Mobility Snapshot story: advocacy contributes to landmark 20 km/h speed limit in Azerbaijan

The intersection of Asadov Street and School No. 4 In Sumqayit, Azerbaijan, the speed limit at the intersection of Asadov Street and School No. 4 has been set to 20 km/h, exceeding the advocacy demand of National Automobile Club of Azerbaijan (AMAK) for 30 km/h. This advocacy success came following AMAK’s Mobility Snapshot at the […]


Mobility Snapshot story: social media-based advocacy spurs road safety improvements in Addis Ababa

New pedestrian crossing installed in CMC Adebabye intersection in Addis Ababa. © Save the Nation In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Save the Nation has used their large social media following on TikTok to create community demand from the government for safer roads. This has led to quick progress in improving pedestrian safety at the CMC Adebabye intersection, a […]


Mobility Snapshot story: stronger partnerships for improved safety in Salinas, Ecuador

Movidana showing safe road designs with evidence-based interventions to the Mayor of Salinas and the Director of Mobility. © Movidana More than 1,500 school children pass the intersection at Avenida Carlos Espinoza and Calle 7, a critical intersection near two of the largest schools in Salinas, Ecuador. In May 2024, Fundación Ciudadana de Movilidad y Seguridad […]


Expression of Interest: Alliance-IMOB Hasselt University Safe System Approach short course

The Alliance in collaboration with the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) from Hasselt University, Belgium is excited to announce a new capacity building opportunity for our member NGOs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This initiative supports the Alliance Strategy to continuously build the capacity of our member NGOs through partnerships with expert organizations and professionals […]


On Track or Off Target?

Join us for our next online event marking the third anniversary of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. The session will be held on Thursday 31 October at 14:00 CET. Note: that the European time zone will change to daylight saving the weekend before the session so use the […]


Africa Chapter annual meeting highlights: strengthening NGO capacity and advocacy

The Africa Chapter of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, supported by the TotalEnergies Foundation, held its annual online meeting on 25 September 2024. During this meeting, members reviewed the capacity development of NGOs in Africa, drawing on the outcomes of the learning needs assessment conducted in 2020. This assessment identified key areas […]


Editorial: prioritizing safe mobility for all

Safe walking, cycling, and motorbiking are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These modes of transport, which are accessible, affordable, and environmentally sustainable, enable individuals to move around for work, education, and daily activities. When road environments are made safe, they reduce inequalities and enhance opportunities for marginalized groups, particularly women, young people, […]