14:00 CET
French-language information session from WHO for stakeholders from government and civil society about the status of preparations ahead of the Ministerial Conference
08:00 – 10:00 CET
Marrakech, Morocco
These meetings will enable Alliance members to discuss in more depth how to put insights from the Symposium into action.
10:00 – 12:00 CET
Marrakech, Morocco
The #CommittoLife Walk and Ride will act as a pre-event for the upcoming UN Global Road Safety Week, which will call for safe walking and cycling. It is organized in collaboration with the Global Youth Coalition.
09:00 – 14:00 CET
Marrakech, Morocco
The Symposium will explore how to make road safety commitments meaningful and actionable. It will consider the roles of different stakeholders and how to overcome the funding barrier that is often the limiter to implementation of commitments.
Marrakech, Morocco
The Alliance’s booth in the conference exhibition will showcase the realities and solutions to make people’s journeys safe, highlighted through the Mobility Snapshots and helmet consultations, plus demonstrations and events.
Marrakech, Morocco
The purpose of this conference is to assess the progress made in implementing the Global Plan during its initial five-year period, and to generate support for the new vision of safe and sustainable mobility
07:30 – 08:45 CET
Marrakech, Morocco
This session will explore issues raised in the Alliance’s white paper to be launched for the Ministerial Conference, by hearing from some of the NGOs and experts who contributed to its development.
11:45 – 13:15 CET
Marrakech, Morocco
The Alliance has been invited to lead a parallel session on Commitments and Accountability as part of the main conference program. It will explore how monitoring and measuring progress can turn commitments into real action.
14:00 CET
Marrakech, Morocco
Straight after the conference, we will host NGOs for a debrief session to discuss next steps after the conference.