All Programs

The Alliance provides services and support to its members in three key areas: networking and sharing, advocacy, and capacity building. Many of our programs include elements of each of these areas.


Safer Cycling Advocate Program

Taking best practices from Netherlands and Denmark, two countries with a strong cycling culture, the Safer Cycling Advocate Program, builds the capacity of NGOs in Eastern Europe to develop safe cycling cultures.


First Response in Colombia

In 2018, the Alliance undertook a project with Meditech in Colombia to engage community members as first responders and advocates for emergency care in rural parts of Colombia.

Capacity Building

Alliance Empowerment Program

The Alliance Empowerment Program, sponsored by FedEx, is our flagship-capacity building program, building up NGOs for evidence-based advocacy through face-to-face and online training, mentoring, and seed grants.



Learn, Examine, Review, Act, Replicate, Network (LEARN) develops the knowledge and skills of road safety stakeholders in Africa to implement evidence-based road safety actions.


Good Samaritan Law Awareness

In 2018, the Supreme Court in India passed a Good Samaritan law. Bystanders who assist crash victims in India have in the past been harassed, made to pay medical bills, and sometimes arrested for helping. This program, funded by UPS Foundation, supports NGOs to promote implementation of the law.