Liz Man

PRESS RELEASE: Prestigious award recognizes NGOs’ accountability role

11 December 2024, London, UK Yesterday, the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award was presented to the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) for its Accountability Toolkit.  The Accountability Toolkit is a set of practical, web-based tools that offers tangible steps, enabling NGOs to track government accountability for SDG 3.6 to […]


Street level data strengthening advocacy for safer roads

New street-level data is helping to highlight the realities of people’s journeys around the world, and the impact of actions that aim to make our streets safer, particularly for people who walk. Through Mobility Snapshots, a landmark initiative from the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, road safety advocates in 44 countries gathered data […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome five new members who joined recently. Full members Asociación de Autoescuelas Profesionales de Formación Vial de México A.C., Mexico represents and advocates for driving school business owners in Mexico, supporting national road safety and training initiatives tied to licensing. Its mission is to professionalize the sector by shaping public […]


Mobility Snapshots: a safer crossing in Neuquen, Argentina

Mobility Snapshots advocacy in Neuquén, Argentina has led authorities to upgrade the intersection of Tierra del Fuego and Pedro Mazzoni. These improvements were a result of Bien Argentino’s advocacy using the Mobility Snapshot. Bien Argentino selected the intersection because of the mix of traffic using it. As well as four lanes of traffic, 340 pedestrians […]


On Track or Off Target?

Join us for our next online event marking the third anniversary of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. The session will be held on Thursday 31 October at 14:00 CET. Note: that the European time zone will change to daylight saving the weekend before the session so use the […]


Ensuring safe helmets for all: Safety 2024 workshop

People want and expect to be protected when they buy a motorcycle helmet. However, they are often let down by the proliferation of non-standard and fake helmets.  On Sunday 1 September in Delhi, India, the Alliance held a “walkshop” with support from Uber, as part of the Safety 2024 pre-conference program to investigate the availability […]


Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 launched

The Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 was launched by WHO today. While progress has been made, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) calls for greater investment in evidence-based interventions that put people at the center to halve road deaths and injuries and provide safe, affordable, accessible, sustainable mobility by […]


PRESS RELEASE: New partnership aims to save lives through greater availability of safe, affordable motorcycle helmets

27 November 2023 Today, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) and Uber launch a new partnership to stimulate a global push for greater availability of safe, affordable motorcycle helmets. Motorcyclists account for 28% of all road traffic fatalities worldwide and motorcycle deaths are increasing around the world[1]. Correct use of quality […]


On Track or Off Target 2023

On 26 October 2023, the Alliance organized its second annual On Track or Off Target event for the anniversary of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety. The 2023 event looked at the role of safe walking to help achieve the 2030 road safety targets. Watch the recording Panel: the right […]


Editorial October 2023: On track or off target?

Saturday 28 October will mark two years since the launch of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 (Global Plan). Yesterday, at our online event On Track or Off Target? We asked participants how optimistic they were that we would achieve a 50% reduction in road deaths by 2030. 27% […]


An open letter to Heads of State and Governments

The UN SDG Summit will take place at the UN Headquarters in New York on 18-19 September 2023. Read our open letter to world leaders below. Dear world leaders, We are writing to you today in the lead-up to the 2023 UN SDG Summit in New York with a sense of urgency and alarm. The […]


PRESS RELEASE: New Guide to Empower Creation of Road Safety Data Coalitions in Africa

Today, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) and the International Road Federation (IRF), with the support of the TotalEnergies Foundation program, are pleased to release the LEARN Guide, a new resource of information and support to empower road safety advocates globally. The LEARN (Learn, Examine, Act, Replicate, Network) program has already […]


#RethinkMobility art piece

Gerardo Gómez is a Salvadoran artist who works with expressive styles, at times reminiscent of surrealism or punk aesthetics, and at other times, a more psychedelic aesthetic. He portrays the city, its characters, and peculiarities through a process of approximation to its environment. He alternates between painting in the center of the city and reflecting […]


Alliance Africa Chapter perspectives

The Alliance’s Africa Chapter was launched in 2018 to unite road safety NGOs in Africa more closely, harness their joint experience, build their capacity and amplify their advocacy voices with their governments. It now has 95 members in 32 countries across the continent. The Chapter provides collaboration opportunities, gives NGOs access to parliamentarians and global and regional partners, provides tools and programs […]


Read our 2022 Annual Report

We are delighted to share our 2022 Annual Report with you. In 2022, we, together with our member NGOs, defined regional and global calls to action that honed in on three specific asks that governments must urgently address to achieve a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030: 30 km/h zones where people walk, live, and play; investment […]


What is the SDG Summit?

Updated 30 August 2023 2023 marks the midpoint from the 2015 launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to their 2030 target date. According to a preliminary assessment of around 140 targets for which data is available, only 12% are estimated to be on track.[1] On 18 and 19 September 2023, the UN General Assembly […]


Pre-hospital care in Tanzania

“Doing nothing to improve pre-hospital emergency response is more expensive for countries than making even the most basic access to pre-hospital care available, whether it is provided by professionals or trained laypeople,” says Jason Friesen, Executive Director, Trek Medics, an Alliance member NGO working on low-cost emergency care interventions in 15 low- and middle- income […]


Call for expression of interest: global and regional meetings

The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is organizing NGO meetings which bring together member NGOs, global road safety stakeholders, and corporate supporters. These meetings are the primary NGO-led road safety and safe mobility gathering regionally and globally and incorporates capacity building, inspiration, and networking opportunities. The Alliance NGO meetings are where […]


#RethinkMobility for Women Walking

For UN Global Road Safety Week, Alliance member People’s Trust Jaipur worked with female students at IIS Deemed To Be University, Mansarovar, to highlight to the issues faced by women walking in the city. The NGO conducted a safety audit walk with female students, documenting the presence and absence of pedestrian facilities in the kilometer […]


#RethinkMobility for women on public transport

In El Salvador, Alliance member MOVES is working through partnerships and collaborations to make public transport safer for women. It has used the UN Global Road Safety Week to strengthen these collaborations. In 2019, the El Salvadorian government approved a landmark law on violence against women. It included appointment of a specialist judge for cases […]