We have an exciting range of workshops planned for the Global Meeting. Read below for descriptions of each.
Post-crash symposium
This session will provide participants with an understanding of emergency and trauma care issues involved in post-crash care. It will enable exchange of information on successful efforts to advocate for improvements in emergency and trauma care across a range of topics, advocacy targets, and countries, plus successful efforts to advocate for post-crash care, such as rehabilitation, psychological support, legal support and legislation for crash investigation and legal process. Read more HERE.
How NGOs can promote safe defensive driving skills
Safe driving skills are a key component in improving global road safety as well as developing public policies that improves the process towards to obtain the driver’s license. In addition to this, teens constitute a key group since they crash most often because they are inexperienced. Among other things, they struggle to judge gaps in traffic, drive at the right speed for the conditions and turn safely. This workshop will present and share best practices carried out by different stakeholders such as NGOs, private companies and governments. Read more HERE.
Best practices for road safety education
Evidence suggests that children should start learning about the road system from an early age, which can lead to safer behaviors in later life. Road safety education (RSE) plays an important role in shaping attitudes and behaviors. Historically, evaluation of the safety impact of RSE has been limited, and materials targeting children have not always been appropriate in terms of age, content, and delivery. Where feasible, RSE should be part of a wider, multi-pronged approach. Several partners have developed RSE packs tailored to the risks, challenges, and local conditions facing children in low and middle-income countries. Read more HERE.
Youth and Road Safety
This workshop will explore why youth should be involved in the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety via the 2nd World Youth Assembly (WYA), raise awareness of the importance of meaningful youth participation in all elements of road safety decision-making and explore the power of youth in road safety, and work with NGOs to explore how they can be involved in the WYA. Read more HERE.
Safe and inclusive mobility for all
Global trends suggest that, by 2050, cities will be home to two thirds of humanity, including 15% of persons with disabilities. Safe and inclusive mobility is a transformative component of urban development. This workshop will present findings from Humanity & Inclusion’s study Making cities inclusive: safe mobility for persons with disabilities in developing countries and EASST’s national surveys on Disability, Mobility and Road Risk from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova. Focusing on low and middle-income countries, it will discuss challenges of addressing safety and accessibility and identify good practices and opportunities. Read more HERE.
Partnerships for the goals
The global road safety targets have captured the attention of global actors who have the status and resources to influence national policy makers and international donors, but the targets are a shared responsibility, and all partners, including NGOs are essential to this work. Multi-sector partnerships have great potential if efforts and resources are aligned with global goals. NGO and civil society organizations have an opportunity to take the lead to pursue companies to revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development goals. Read more HERE.
Perfect your pitch
Do you want to improve your fundraising success rate? In this interactive workshop we will explore what funders are looking for when they assess NGOs’ proposals. We will learn from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) specialists from the business world about what excites them, what switches them off, and how to put forward a proposal or a pitch that will inspire corporates to fund your project. Read more HERE.
Working with a Safe System approach
A Vision Zero or Safe System approach saves money and is an approach that can and should be adopted in all nations. NGOs have a critical role in helping governments and corporations understand and adopt a Vision Zero approach as the starting point for all road safety actions to manage speed, roads, vehicles and drivers. This workshop will give you a deeper understanding and the tools to engage governments and corporations in adopting Vision Zero. Read more HERE.
Enforcement: Effective Collaboration with Police
Police enforcement is critical to improving road safety. Finding the right balance between deterrence efforts and education versus penalties for those caught violating road safety laws can help improve road user behavior and maintain community support for road safety efforts. This workshop discuss the role of police enforcement, how community groups/NGOs can be involved in a consultation role, and identify specific strategies NGOs can play in supporting police enforcement in their countries. Read more HERE.
Focus on Speed Management
Speed influences both the risk of a road traffic crash and the severity of resulting injuries. There is no single solution to the problem of excess and inappropriate speed. A package of countermeasures is necessary. As a start, a good balance between road design, speed limit, and public perception of appropriate speed is vital. This workshop looks to present and share best practices carried out by different stakeholders such as NGOs, private companies, and governments. Read more HERE.
Voluntary Targets: NGOs role
NGOs have an important role to play in helping their governments to see the importance of the voluntary targets, and mobilizing politicians, media, and the community to push for meaningful legislation and enforcement. This session will cover how NGOs can work with the voluntary targets and feature case study of how an NGO is using the voluntary targets to push for stronger road safety commitment from its government. Read more HERE.
NGO regional meetings
The main objective of the regional meetings will be to brainstorm on how NGOs can better prepare for the high level meeting in Sweden and position NGOs to leverage their common voice with their governments to participate in the meeting. Read more HERE.
Gender and road safety
This workshop will explore the relationship between gender and road safety key risk areas based on extensive empirical evidence, highlighting, for example, the differences in the number of deaths in traffic crashes and levels of risk taking in different risk areas. It will cover inequality and mobility of women from action to policy perspectives and focus in on the results of a research project in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Read more HERE.
Alliance Advocate Evaluation Extravaganza
During this year’s Global Meeting, we would like to seize the moment and gather together the Alliance Advocates for a few hours of reflection on the gains made since their training. It will be an opportunity to discuss how skills obtained from the training and mentorship have been applied by the Advocates in their work, and how the Alliance can continue to provide incremental capacity building to the NGOs as the road safety environment changes with time. Read more HERE.
Work with your legislator
Parliamentarians and parliament bodies are responsible for road safety policy and legislation, integration, infrastructure, and funding. To capture the attention of a legislator, faced with many competing political agendas, and to convince him or her to promote a road safety initiative, law or amendment, can be a complicated challenge. Learn best tactics from senior individuals with experience in road safety legislation, how to work with parliamentarians, how to share and promote your initiatives and how to strengthen advocacy efforts. Read more HERE.
Effective Communication for NGOs
Public and political support are vital for achieving road safety change. NGOs need to find effective ways of getting their message out to a wide audience. Catching people’s attention to our cause can be challenging but there are some simple ways that NGOs can seek to increase their media reach, even with limited resources. In this workshop, we will focus on building relationships, using strong photographs and video, and presenting your message effectively. Participants are invited to bring a photograph of their work to discuss. Read more HERE.
Using data and the Global Status Report for Advocacy
The Global Status Report on Road Safety was published in December 2018. This session will look at the main findings including its application and functionality. It will include some of WHO’s experiences in road safety data collection efforts and what the numbers mean. In the session, IRF’s data sets and resources will also be presented along with sample case studies on data gaps and how to close the gaps. Read more HERE.
Global trends and best practices to reduce alcohol-impaired driving
Impairment by alcohol influences both the risk of a collision and the severity of resulting injuries. This session will provide participants with the knowledge on global trends of alcohol-impaired driving, available evidence-based interventions and current and promising technologies for reducing the problem. The participants will also learn about the recent Canadian and South African experiences in implementing new measures against drink driving. Read more HERE.
Safer Journeys for Children
This workshop will look at a variety of evidence-based programmes focused on: child restraint systems, helmet use, and improvements in the road environment. There will be a specific focus on the needs in low and middle-income countries, where injury rates are highest. The workshop will also explore the place of NGOs in the promotion of safe journeys for children. It will offer the opportunity for attendees to learn from others, share their experiences and chart a way forward. Read more HERE.
Tourism and Road Safety
The launch of the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Travel (EASST) and Make Roads Safer Hellas’ report Road Safety and Responsible Travel and Tourism. This session will feature a presentation of the survey results, panel discussions on business and tourist travel and will feature high-level speakers including the Right Honorable Lord Whitty, Chair of EASST, and Matthew Baldwin, European Commission. Read more HERE.