Shorthand Version of the Stockholm Declaration

The Stockholm Declaration will be the primary output from the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Sweden next month.

We are now at the end of the Decade of Action so the Stockholm Declaration is a key document in setting the agenda for road safety for the next 10 years. It sets out a number of targets to pave the way to a 50% reduction on road deaths by 2030. Read the full declaration HERE and read our short summary of the targets included in the declaration below:

  • A revised target to reduce road traffic deaths by at least 50% by 2030.
  • Particular focus on reducing road deaths among children and young people.
  • A reiteration of the need for a coordinated approach that doesn’t see road safety as a separate silo but addresses the connections between road safety, mental and physical health, development, education, equity, gender equality, sustainable cities, environment and climate change, as well as the social determinants of safety and interdependence between the different SDGs.
  • Encouragement to UN Member States to sign up to the UN legal instruments on road safety if they have not already.
  • Inclusion of road safety and the Safe System approach in street design, transport system planning and governance, especially for vulnerable road users and in urban areas.
  • Safe System approach to be adopted by businesses and industries.
  • Acceleration of progress toward safer, cleaner, more energy-efficient, and affordable modes of transport  such as walking, cycling and public transport.
  • Development and implementation of technologies to make road users safer including crash prevention and emergency care.
  • Focus on speed management including 30 kmph speed limits where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix.
  • All vehicles produced, sold and used around the world equipped with recommended safety features by 2030. Public and private sector to procure safe and secure vehicles for their fleets.
  • Safety incorporated into road infrastructure improvements.
  • Increased investment in road safety.
  • Data monitoring and reporting on road safety progress.
  • A call for a first High-Level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Road Safety for heads of state to ensure political action and achieve the 50% target by 2030 and zero deaths by 2050.