October is International Walk to School Month, and countries all around the world are participating.
October is the International Walk to School Month, and 7 October is the International Walk to School Day, when communities all over the world rally their students to walk safely to and from school. This international initiative promotes safe, environmentally-friendly transportation routes and is a special opportunity to teach young people, the most vulnerable of road users, smart pedestrian behavior. Overall, International Walk to School events encourage a “more walkable world.”
Currently, organizations from 70 countries are coordinating with their communities to promote safe walking routes to school on International Walk to School Day, and your organization can get involved too! It is also a special opportunity to promote the #SaveKidsLives campaign to draw attention to the unacceptable number of child road deaths globally and advocate for child road safety. The #SaveKidsLives official website has many communications materials, including a new video, available for use.
You can find more information about International Walk To School on the website www.iwalktoschool.org. Further, read about examples of successful activities being conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries around the world.